Parent and Toddler Group Support

Parent and Toddler Group Support

Information for Parent and Toddler Groups

Looking for a baby and toddler group?

Please click the link below to see the list of Toddler groups in Newcastle.

City Wide List - Download

Groups are also available to view by days on our Facebook page

What is a Parent and Toddler Group?

It is an informal group of adults who care for children under 5 who meet together in their local communities. Groups provide:

  • A range of play activities for children which help them in their early stages of development.
  • Peer support for adults from others who have similar experiences.

Groups vary in size, resources, volunteers and finance. Parent and Toddler groups welcome children and adults whatever their religion, culture, ability and means.

To see a full list of Parent and Toddler Groups in the city you can:

Tel: 0191 2656158


Please click on the link below if you have an interest in vounteering at a toddler group.

Role of a Volunteer >>


Why do people volunteer to be a parent and toddler group leader?


  • They are concerned about and care about the development of babies and young children.
  • They want babies and children to grow to be the best people that they can be.
  • They believe that everyone can be actively involved in their local community.
  • They care about people and community.


Could you be a volunteer in a parent and toddler group?

Could you set up a group for the people in your community?


If the answer is YES you can be part of a caring vocation that holds love for and concern for babies. Children and their families at its heart.

Health and Wellbeing

Drinks at Snack Time

You may have seen the recent campaign to reduce sugar in all our diets.The guidelines for daily sugar intake are:

  • Less than 12 months avoid ALL sugars
  • 1-4 years Less than 19gram (4 teaspoons)
  • 4-6 years Max 19gram (4 teaspoons)
  • Adults 30gram.

So what does this mean in terms of the drinks you provide? The current drink recommendation is Milk or Water. However I know many of you provide juice and if you wish to continue doing so please bear the following in mind.

  • Provide no added sugar juice
  • Check the sugar content before you buy.
  • Dilute to the instructions - Robinsons recommend extra water to added for toddlers.
  • If you provide fresh fruit juice check sugar content and dilute well. (1 part juice to 10 parts water)

The department of health recommend all children 6 months - 5 years are given vitamin supplements containing vitamins A C and D every day. It is also recommended babies who are breastfed are given a vitamin D supplement from birth. its very hard to get enough vitamin D through food alone as it only naturally occurs in a few foods.For more information including

  • Vitamin drops if you qualify for Healthy Start
  • Recommendations for Bottle and Breast fed babies

See website

Some use full links below

Tyneside Women's Health is a charity and was set up in 1985 to provide mental health support to women in a women -only enviroment. Click on the link below to access their website

Healthworks aim is to support people across the North East to maintain and improve their health, wellbeing and life outcomes. click on the lnk below to access more information.


1001 Critical Days

What is 1001 critical days?

The publication sets out a vision for brilliance in the 1,001 critical days from conception to age 2.

We know that these 1,001 critical days are a unique period for a baby that sets the foundations for lifelong emotional and physical wellbeing.

Follow the link below to find out more about the importance of 1001 critical days.

1001 Critical Days >>

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