Blokes & Bairns Stay and Play

Blokes & Bairns Borrowers

Blokes & Bairns Borrowers Stay & Play is a FREE toy loan service and play session which runs at Heaton Community Centre. This is a NAPI staff and Volunteer run session.

The session currently runs from 10:00-11:30am on Monday Term Time only at Heaton Community Centre. We have received funding to run this session free until July 2025. The toy loan service is available at the session. Catalogues of the toys are available and once the terms and conditions are completed and i.d. is shown you can take away the toys on the day. You are able to borrow 4 toys for up to 4 weeks. We have a wide range of good quality toys and a toy library staff member will be on hand to help.

Please ring 0191 2656158 or email


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