North East Action for Children Parents and Inclusion
30th Anniversary
Contact us
0191 2656158
Would you be interested in volunteering at a Toddler group or do you need a volunteer/s to help lend a hand at your group? We can advertise for help via these pages or put you in touch with groups that may be interested in volunteers.Contact the NAPI office . Tel 0191-2656158
Roles of a Volunteer
The following are some of the roles undertaken by volunteers in a Toddler group:
A good way to raise money for you toddler group is to ask members to bring a bag of old or unwanted clothes to be weighed in. Most weigh in places will arrange collection from your group if you have enough bags, most pay from 40p per kilo upwards.
Warburtons Bakery have funding opportunities, they can offer;bread products for events that you are having, they do need 2 weeks notice.
They will donate £250.00 to help you to deliver an activity to your group.
They also offer larger grants from £1000 - £10,000. For details of all of these go to their website.
Link for Warburtons >>
Did you know that Asda supports regisitered charities, schools and community groups. Check it out at your local store or visit their website for more information >>
Ward Committee Grants: Every ward Committee in Newcastle has money available for voluntary and community sector organisations. Applications are accepted for "not for profit organisations" i.e. community groups. For further information Newcastle Ward committee Fund >>
Nunsmoor Centre in Fenham have an access fund available for families with children up to 18 years. The grants are for around £500. Applicants should be in receipt of higher or middle rate disability living allowance or subject to a SEN statement or have a CAF in place. For further info contact Brian Graham tel 2261006 or email
link for Nunsmoor Access Fund >>
Walker Soup is an initiative in Walker and is available to community groups in and around the surrounding areas. They have quarterly grant dinners where attendees recieve a meal and a vote. Those having the meal pay a donation for the food and then 4 groups or individuals pitch for the money raised on the evening. They also run a similar citywide scheme for under 25's. For more info contact their Development Coordinator Francesca Maddison Tel 2632752 email: they also have a facebook page and website
Many grants given require groups to have:-
If you need and support to apply for funding contact your support worker or ring the NAPI office.
NAPI has a number of publications which are available to purchase. These include the following:
Register £6.00
Accounts book £4.00
Accident books £5.50
First Aid Box Location signs £5.00
Buy as a pack for £18
Starter pack free to Newcastle based Toddler Groups,
£10 for Toddler Groups from other localities
Additional Leaflets.
Starting a Parent and Toddler Group £2.50
Safety in Parent and Toddler Groups £2.50
Your Child is your responsibility Poster £2.00
Play Dough Recipe £2.00
Coffee time leaflet £2.50
Please contact us for a quote for multiple copies.
All prices do not include post and packing which will be at the currant rate.
If you would like further details on these or wish to purchase any publications please contact the NAPI office on 0191 265 6158.
When starting up a Toddler we have made a training manual to help in all areas with the set up and running a Toddler group please click on the link below to access the Training manual.
Your group must take out adequate insurance to cover:
Public Liability (People visiting group) for up to £5 million
Where groups do not take out insurance, leaders can be held personally liable for any claims made against the group. Your group may have insurance if you are part of a Community Centre/Church or School. However if you are named as one of these hosts activities you must check with them and if possible recieve written confirmation of this and a copy of the insurance policy and schedule.
If you require insurance the following organisations offer specialist policies.
The price depends on each application.
MORTON MICHELL TEL: 03300 589861 - They offer insurance for groups running 5 sessions per week.
PRE-SCHOOL LEARNING TEL: 02076 972500 - They offer insurance for 1-10 sessions per week. Also includes additional cover for outings.
Pass it on to Parents is a group of parents who have children with a disability or special needs.
They are a wide network who want to support al parents of disabled children in Newcastle.
They can help with:
For more information Contact
Shelagh 07891460513
or email:
The dedicated website is Family Advice & Support – Skills For People
If you would like ideas to ensure that your toddler group encourages physical play or would like to look at the Physical play equipment that your free Toy Library membership gives please call 2656158 or email us at
The department of health have produced physical activity guidelines for Under Fives for both children who are and are not yet walking.They outline the benefits of being active and give examples of ways to encourage physical activity.
For further information please see the website: where you can download a copy of the guidelines.
We have come across a really good, informative speech and language development poster which gives guidelines for what stages of speech and development children go through.
Download Speech and Language development poster
Please see below links for model policies for your Parent and Toddler Group.
Heaton Community Centre
Trewhitt Rd
Newcastle upon Tyne
Follow the link below to register for 'Give as you live' its free and if you shop on line NAPI will receive a donation of the company. Enter charity to support - Newcastle action for parent and toddler groups initiative
Charitable Incorporated Organisation C.I.O 1161983
All Rights Reserved | North East Action for Children Parents and Inclusion