Childminder Support

Childminder Support

Newcastle Childminding Association dissolved in 2021. We have acknowledge the N.C.A. have supported childminders across Newcastle for the past 40 years.

They provided:

  • Support for new childminders
  • Offered training sessions
  • A listening ear for more experienced childminders
  • Regular meetings
  • Staff to progress the development of childminding in the city
  • A toy library to supplement resources
  • A link between childminders and the local authority

The have promoted Childminding at a local, regional and national level in order to inform decision makers about what really happens in the day to day delivery of childminding services. They have taken part in a variety of consultations which has shaped the delivery of childminding. In recent times they have engaged with the delivery of the offer for 2 year olds and are keen to take on the challenge of the 30 hour offer for 3 and 4 year olds.

While the numbers of childminders working in the city has dropped in these 40 years what remains is a dedicated, well trained and well informed workforce that believe home based care is good for children.

These pages have information for Childminders. If there is anything in particular you would like to see please contact NAPI.


Useful links in relation to Tax Returns for Childminders

If you register with HMRC you will receive regular updates.

HMRC contact

HMRC You Tube Channel (Including a guide for Childminders)

Register as self employed with HMRC via GOV.UK

National Insurance (Inc State pension)

Changes to collection of Class2 NI

Childminders Expenses.

Help with Capital Allowances

Paying HMRC

Self-employed Ready Reckoner

Help and support for businesses

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